If your business doesn’t have the open, friendly feeling you’ve always hoped for, wall mirrors might be the solution you’re looking for. Mirrors are a simple way to add light, focus, and extra visibility within a lobby or shop. These small benefits help both customers and employees feel more cheerful and welcomed, making your business a memorable place to stop in.
Mirrors Add Light
Unless your building is completely made of windows, chances are there are some gloomy corners or narrow walls somewhere. A mirror is a simple way to add extra light to these areas, making the space brighter and more cheerful. The addition of light also makes the room seem more spacious. Even fitting rooms look much larger when a mirror is added, and the same is true of any wall. The illusion of space created by a mirror helps customers feel more relaxed.
Mirrors as Focal Points
The human eye is naturally drawn to light before darkness. Mirrors give your customers directions on where to turn their eyes the second they step through the doors. Simply place mirrors around the front desk, display table, or important product so the mirror attracts their attention quickly.
Mirrors as Security Measures
Mirrors also increase line of sight. For jittery customers or watchful employees, this adds a measure of safety. In retail settings, the fact that someone might be watching might discourage shoplifting. In other settings, the increased sightline decreases suspicious behavior since most people prefer not to be seen doing underhanded things.
The Right Mirrors for Your Business
Adding mirrors to just the right place in your business will make it more appealing, add focus in a chaotic setting, and increase visibility to keep your buildings safe. Custom mirrors by S. Albert Glass are made to fit and can be laminated, convex, beveled, and many other styles. Contact S. Albert Glass today at 301-517-7442 or send an email to find out how custom mirrors could improve your business.